A few do's and don't to think about...

We've put together a few help hints to foster positive relationships with your children.
- Catch your children being good and comment on it
- Set age appropriate rules & boundaries, be consistent and fair in maintaining them
- Remember that children watch and model everything you do
- Be clear and specific regarding family values and your expectations
- Be democratic, let children contribute to the formation of family rules
- Have family meetings
- Develop and maintain family rituals
- Regular family dinners have been shown to protect adolescents against depression,
try and have three family dinners per week
- Play with children and have fun with them
- Get to know who your children’s friends are
- Talk to your children about the small things it opens the lines of communication
- Use the internet as a source of information on parenting and child development
- Argue in front of the children
- Do for your children what they are able to do for themselves
- Expect your children to be little adults
- Talk to your child about adult issues & concerns. It makes them worry and feel responsible
- Ever use excessive or unfair punishments
- Promise what you can’t or won’t deliver on

Children learn and mimic your behaviour, set the example you want your children to follow.